

Melaka : Permaisuri Hotel, Stadium Hang Jebat Melaka as a sponsor of the contingent, technical officials, officials of foreign media, guests of honor and the tournament secretariat and facilities on offer is amazing. This includes the preparation of the dinner hall attended by Chief Minister of Melaka, secretariat room, media center room on the internet, the honorary guest rooms and other amenities offered are impressive. According to Mr Zainal Mohamed as the Manager of the Permaisuri Hotel welcomes to the athletes, team officers and invited guests who will attend the tournament. Various moment will be held as a souvenir to take home by the expectation of any athletes and officials and will come back to this hotel as a destination of choice when visiting Melaka in the future. Various packages and special discounts will be offered to the supporters and fans compete with unbeatable prices. MFS for the CAFS thanked for their willingness to Hotel Permaisuri as an official residence for the Asian Cup Under-23 years to be held on April 5 to 13.