

The visiting Vikings futsal coach and his eight elite futsal players from Australia who are in Miri was hoping that their International Malaysia tour could create greater awareness on futsal among the locals here.
Head coach, Romeo Frediani said Malaysia is the third country visited this year under the annual ‘Vikings International Tour’ programmes after China, Spain and the United Kingdom.

“In Malaysia, particularly here in Sarawak, we will play friendly matches with local Vikings futsal affiliates to promote closer rapport and also conduct futsal clinics for members and the general public,” said Frediani to thesundaypost yesterday.

Frediani and his team arrived in Miri yesterday and were met on arrival at the Miri Airport by members of the Miri Vikings Futsal led by its liaison officer, Fadillah Ibrahim.

Their visit to Sarawak is the first for the team.

“There will be friendly matches with the visiting team at the Miri Indoor Stadium. Admission is free.

“While in Miri, the visitors will be brought on a city tour including the Petroleum Museum and the Miri Esplanade,” informed Fadillah.
Meanwhile, futsal enthusiasts in other areas will also have the opportunity to meet the elite Australian futsal players and coach, when they continue their week-long tour of Sarawak to Mukah on June 4-5, Kuching on June 6 – 8 and Samarahan on June 9.